Scottish SUP Guide - Number Twenty Four - River Isla, Coupar Angus
Matt Gambles • 1 May 2020
River Isla, Coupar Angus
Flowing gently through farmland, yet with views to the distant Angus Glens and Perthshire hills, the River Isla makes a great trip. Getting on the Isla just underneath the small town of Coupar Angus, it is a nice fairly gentle run as the Isla sedately makes its way to the end of its journey as it joins the River Tay.
The best place to egress this section of the Isla is by the A93 at Kinclaven. This trip of about 7 miles is a lovely touring section. It is worth noting that the Prevailing wind is likely to be blowing into your face, so worth doing on a day when the wind is less strong.
Photo courtesy of Outdoor Explore